Member Benefits: Practice Supplies

 Clinical   Uniforms   Printed Materials   And More! 

Practice Supplies

  • Professional supplies
  • Small equipment
  • Typically 15-25% savings
  • Members only

The Dentists Supply Company -

Significant savings on dental supplies. The NMDA has partnered with The Dentists Supply Company (TDSC) to offer members a new way to shop for dental supplies. TDSC is a dentist-led organization built to provide consistent, competitive pricing on dental supplies to members of organized dentistry regardless of practice size. When you buy from TDSC, you are joining a collective of visionary dental professionals who believe the profession should be shaped by those that practice it.

HIPAA Compliance

  • Compliance resources
  • Webinars & training
  • HIPAA risk assessment
  • OSHA quick assessment

Rectangle Health

HIPAA compliance is much more than an annual training and a dusty binder. HIPAA requires significant technical and organizational measures. Yet 86% of independent medical and dental practices incorrectly believe that HIPAA compliance is satisfied by occasional trainings and a binder alone. The truth is that HIPAA is an extremely complicated, constantly changing series of healthcare laws that require dedicated attention. PCIHIPAA offers a complete compliance solution.


Uniforms & Apparel

  • No minimums, no inventory
  • On-demand embroidery
  • All sizes, fits everybody
  • Team apparel and uniforms
  • Promotional wear
  • Personal wear

Lands' End - Business

Lands' End provides team apparel that meets some of the highest quality standards in the industry, as well as hundreds of customized products that help your practice stand out in the marketplace. NMDA members qualify for an automatic program discount of 10% off logos, promotional products and Lands' End labeled products.


Publications & Print Resources

  • CDT manuals
  • Reference guides
  • Patient brochures
  • Marketing materials

ADA Store

Get the resources you need to educate patients, manage a successful practice and grow your business. Members can purchase reference materials and patient education brochures from the ADA store, many of which can be personalized as marketing materials for your office.

Sharps Management

  • Mail-back sharps disposal
  • Pharmaceutical waste
  • Member discounts

HealthFirst - Sharps Management

HealthFirst Sharps Management mail-back service is a convenient alternative to traditional sharps and medical waste pick-up. These mail-back boxes come with pre-paid UPS shipping and disposal services included in one low price.


Emergency Kits

  • Defibrillators
  • Compliance
  • Auto-replenish program
  • Member discount

HealthFirst - Emergency

Over 40,000 dental offices are equipped with HealthFirst emergency medical kits, which help manage emergency preparedness and compliance in a cost-effective way. HealthFirst keeps each kit up-to-date through the Auto-Replenishment Service so that you can be ready when a patient is counting on you.

In any medical facility, it's vital to be prepared with an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the event a patient or visitor experiences cardiac arrest. HealthFirst offers leading AED product lines, and automatically tracks and replaces your pads and batteries before expiration dates.


Jobs & Equipment Board

  • Employment opportunities
  • Practices for sale
  • Equipment purchase
  • filters and notifications

Hesy-Re Jobs and Equipment Board

Named after the first dentist in recorded history, Hesy-Re was developed as a web app for dentists and dental professionals looking for new opportunities. The app uses an algorithm and ranking system to match dentists, business owners, or hiring managers with potential buyers or employees. Dentists can post jobs, sell or identify a practice to purchase, or list equipment for sale. Potential employees can review available job postings and set up notifications at no charge. Filters and notifications can be set up to customize the search experience. NMDA members receive discounted rates and preferred listings.